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Academic staff

Picture of Markulf Kohlweiss
Markulf Kohlweiss
Associate Professor

Privacy, security, cryptography, anonymous signatures, composable security, zero knowledge

Picture of Tariq Elahi
Tariq Elahi
Assistant Professor

Censorship resistance, anonymous communication networks, privacy engineering

Picture of Marc Juarez
Marc Juarez
Assistant Professor

Traffic analysis, anonymous communications, machine learning security

Picture of Michele Ciampi
Michele Ciampi
Assistant Professor

Zero-Knowledge proofs, multi-party computation protocols, blockchain

Researchers and PhD students

Picture of Jan Bobolz
Jan Bobolz
Research Associate

Privacy-preserving systems, zero-knowledge, MPC, lattices

Picture of Lorenzo Martinico
Lorenzo Martinico
Research Associate

Trusted hardware, composable models

Picture of Amirreza Sarencheh
Amirreza Sarencheh
PhD Student

Cryptography, Blockchain, digital payments, digital identities, privacy, regulatory compliance, scalability

Placeholder picture
Meghna Sengupta
PhD Student

Support staff

Placeholder picture
Karolina Borkowska-Szczurak
Portfolio Manager


Picture of Elizabeth C. Crites
Elizabeth C. Crites

Picture of Akira Takahashi
Akira Takahashi

Picture of Mikhail Volkhov
Mikhail Volkhov